You're drinking a german beer, with a cuban cigar. In the middle of paris with a domanican broad. Great head on her shoulder, she probably studied abroad. She transfered from Harvard to kings college in March. She says that I'm her favorite cause she admires the art. Michealangelo with the flow, Piccasso with the bars. Shes well put together like a piece by gerwshin, renisance style, tonight is picture perfect. So smile, and pack your bags real good baby, cause you'll be gone for a dragon dildo.
Dragon dildo! Dragon dildo! You'll be sucking a dragon dildooo. Be my dragon dildo! See you dragon dildooo!
che bello io ho un europeo di 3 mesi e si chiama lulu la mamma lo stesso europea leon ,il padre di nome europeo di razza siamese,e poi c'e' stato l'arrivo di un nuova gattino di 2 mesi che fu' lanciata dalla macchina ora e' una famiglia completa e il gattino nuovo ha preso il nome di fru fru ed e' un incrocio tra un europeo e un persiano ma questa lulu tua e' bellissimaaaaa
In the middle of paris with a domanican broad.
Great head on her shoulder, she probably studied abroad.
She transfered from Harvard to kings college in March.
She says that I'm her favorite cause she admires the art.
Michealangelo with the flow, Piccasso with the bars.
Shes well put together like a piece by gerwshin, renisance style, tonight is picture perfect.
So smile, and pack your bags real good baby, cause you'll be gone for a dragon dildo.
Dragon dildo! Dragon dildo! You'll be sucking a dragon dildooo. Be my dragon dildo! See you dragon dildooo!
uguale.tutti e due mi piacete molto!