Logo Beez, Three little Bees


Origin: Ontario, Canada
Appearance: The main feature of a Sphynx is its lack of a fur coat. The nose is short and the nose leather reflects the colour of the body. The eyes are deep set and the shape of a lemon. The eye colour should reflect the colour of the body. The body is muscular and the legs are long and slender.
Personality: outgoing cat that is very affectionate, very warm and soft to touch, need a lot of human attention. They usually get along fairly well with other cats and dogs.

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http://www.dsx-bismark.webs.com - День добрый !!! Я Донской сфинкс BISMARK. Мой титул Grand International Champion WCF.
http://www.taodelmiao.com - In questo allevamento gli Sphinx sono trattati da dei!!!
http://www.redangelsphynx.com - RedAngel Sphynx
http://www.gargoylecats.it - Gargoylecats
http://www.oldcolours.it - Oldcolours
http://www.sphynxmania.com - Sphynxmania

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Principessa (Sphynx)

Dolce, chiacchierona, coccolosa e bellissima...

from ArwenSphynx
10464 Hit(s)
Don sphynx BISMARK

Don sphynx BISMARK (Sphynx)

Buon giorno!!! I Don Sphynx BISMARK... Io vivo nella città di Kuldiga - Lettonia. Partecipa c...

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Tiffany (Sphynx)

Mi piace l'estate,quando posso addormentarmi al Sole,quando posso uscire senza prendere freddo,però...

from Tiffany
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Gatto (Sphynx)

E' la cosa più brutta che abbia mai visto, infatti quando me l'hanno portato non lo volevo. Invece,...

from ValiFe
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