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Japanese BobtailJapanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail
Origin: Japan
Appearance: The coat is soft, of medium length, without undercoat. The tail is 10-12 cm long and the hair on the tail is longer than the hair on the body. The eyes are blue or yellow. The most popular coat i white with patches of black and red.
Personality: Affectionate, intelligent cats, that bring luck and good fortune as they say in Japan

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the best

the best (Japanese Bobtail)

è troppo buona , dorme sempre ma ha una gran paura degli ospiti...

from sary
15183 Hit(s)
un giocherellone

un giocherellone (Japanese Bobtail)

zac gioca in continuazione sia con una matita che con un gomitolo o anche con il fratello gemello co...

from eliaranocchi
15992 Hit(s)