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Scottish FoldScottish Fold

Scottish Fold
Origin: Perthsire, Scotland
Appearance: The Scottish Fold is of medium-big size, robust, with the folded forward and down ears, which give impression of a rounded head. The coat is shot and fit and is acceptable in many colors (white, gray, beige, red, cream)
Personality: Sweet tempered and intelligent

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http://allevamentoscottishfold.it/ - Siamo registrati presso la WCF, specializzati in colori rari ed esclusivi: Black Golden, Liliac Golden, Blue Golden e Mink.
http://www.snowflakescottish.net/ - Piccolo allevamento per la selezione di esemplari di alta genealogia di scottish fold.Amore e serietà fanno per noi la differenza...
http://www.delpiccolotrianon.it - DEL PICCOLO TRIANON Allevamento di Scottish Fold e British Shorthair a Milano. Felini di altissima genealogia.
http://artemisia.com.ua/ - Сatteri "Artemisia" -Scottish fold and Scottish straight. Ukraine Kiev
http://www.thescottishnest.it - The Scottish's Nest
http://www.casacamillo.com - CasaCamillo

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AMINA (Scottish Fold)

Bellissima e dolcissima scottish fold...

from snowflake
15699 Hit(s)

Тошка (Scottish Fold)

Иногда бывает так, что даже черные кошки уступают доро...

from nastya.cat.25
25539 Hit(s)

miki (Scottish Fold)

ciao!!!!!! sono un gatto coccolone molto solitario e certe volte birichino...... ma la cosa più imp...

from ginne98
23258 Hit(s)
Scottish fold

Scottish fold (Scottish Fold)

Питомник «Artemisia» занимается разведением и популяризац...

from kotova_ov
14734 Hit(s)

Моня (Scottish Fold)

спокойный, умный,красивый, вежливый, ну просто английс...

from elena0403
14829 Hit(s)